AWS Containers – ECS, Fargate, and EKS

Those of you who have perused my blog last year (or talked to me in person) know that I’m pretty stoked about containers.  I think they are very cool conceptually and can bring a lot of value to streamlining the development process.

AWS has several options for containers and I wanted to do a VERY high level run through these to distinguish them a bit and maybe whet your appetite to dive into them a little more.

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VMworld 2017 Day 1 – VMware Cloud Management Platform

My first session at VMworld 2017 was “What’s New and What’s Next for VMware Cloud Management Platform.”  There are a ton of great sessions and overlap at this conference, but I thought this would be a good one to attend (and blog on) as they touched on a lot of things VMware is doing outside of itself.

A big issue in the tech field today is that the world is moving “open.”  Open source, open APIs, commodity hardware, etc.  Customers are very wary of vendor lock-in that prevents them from either using new solutions or moving to other solutions later.

VMware has clearly recognized this, as a primary focus of late is cloud and product interoperability.  This is huge for a massive company like VMware who has TONS of proprietary stuff. Continue reading

Exploring Docker Networking – Ports and Forwarding


If you’ve followed along in my other network posts about bridge and the rest of the default networks, you may have noticed that I keep spinning up CentOS containers.  This is well and good for demos and instructional purposes but you might have also noticed that they don’t really do anything.  I mean they exist, but that isn’t why you run things in your environment.  You don’t have a bunch of server OSes spun up doing nothing, right?  RIGHT?

Well, we hope not anyway.  Ideally your server actually does something like hosts an app, database, or webserver.  In this post we are going to explore some aspects of bridge networking and get a little more into the underpinnings of Docker.  And in order do that, hey we need a container that actually does something! Continue reading

Exploring Docker Networking – Host, None, and MACVLAN


As with our previous post on bridge, the intent here is to explore the remaining standard (mostly non-swarm) network configurations.  Those configurations are host, none, and the newer MACVLAN.

Unlike bridge these are non-default configurations which means you must manually specify the network somewhere.  In our case we are just going to explicitly list the network when we run the container.  We will also explore the configuration elements that we looked at earlier.   Continue reading

Exploring Docker Networking – Bridge

Exploring Docker Networking – Bridge

If you have been under a rock (like I was for a while!), Docker is a container technology and containers are very cool.  Containers sparked my interest in the same way that virtualization did the first time I saw it.  I really regret not getting into it sooner but better late than never.  Seriously if you haven’t played with containers at all try it on a local system, VM, or use this really nifty site

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